Family Building for Singles

Family Building for Singles

  • Women & Infants Fertility Center supports anyone who wishes to grow their family, including single individuals.
  • Family building for single individuals usually involves third-party reproduction help in the form of donated eggs, embryos, and/or sperm. For some individuals, a surrogate or gestational carrier will carry the pregnancy.
  • Single individuals can also experience infertility issues that require fertility treatment.
  • Women & Infants Fertility supports singles in their journey to become parents, including legal and emotional counseling from professionals who focus on third-party reproductive issues.
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90 Plain Street
Providence, RI 02903

P: (401) 441-5336

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Factors in Family Building for Singles

Women & Infants Fertility Center recognizes that single individuals face particular hurdles, both social and physical when building a family. We provide highly successful third-party reproduction treatments for single individuals, and we only work with the most reputable agencies in helping arrange for egg donation, embryo donation, sperm donation, and surrogates.Boy with daddy relaxing on his chest-1_11zon

Through our affiliation with Women & Infants Hospital, we also provide support for our single patients. This is a vital element in third-party reproduction family building, as prospective single parents often face complicated issues involving the genetic nature of parenthood and subsequent arrangements with those who have provided third-party reproductive assistance.

While most single individuals do not seek fertility treatments specifically for infertility, a health condition affecting fertility may be an additional factor when building a family. When appropriate, we will screen for infertility at the start of treatment. The results of those tests will determine what treatments the individual may need, including various forms of third-party reproductive assistance.

Is Surrogacy Right for You?

Learn More About Surrogacy

Conditions causing infertility that may be treated surgically

Single individuals without a partner who would like to start or expand a family require certain fertility treatments that will result in a pregnancy. Female individuals will typically need donor sperm in order to conceive through artificial insemination. Male individuals will typically need donated female eggs to fertilize with the patient’s sperm through in vitro fertilization (IVF), as well as a surrogate to carry and deliver the child.

Our fertility specialists will explore all options for our single patients seeking a family. These options are addressed below. 

Egg Donation

Egg donation is when one woman donates her eggs to an individual in order for them to become pregnant. 

Sperm Donation

Sperm donation involves a man donating his sperm to an individual. A fertility physician can place the donated sperm into the recipient woman’s uterus with intrauterine insemination (IUI).

Gestational Carrier

Surrogacy involves a third-party female agreeing to become pregnant and carry a child for an LGBTQIA+ couple or individual. The two types of surrogacy are gestational carrier surrogacy and traditional surrogacy.