Written By: Women & Infants Fertility Center on April 24, 2020
I chose to become a registered nurse (RN) because I enjoyed caring for people, found medicine fascinating and wanted to help people. I came to the Fertility Center department in 1993, as it was an opportunity to learn and grow in a new and exciting field.
I think the fact that I snow and water ski, do Tai Chi, love to travel, cry easily and love county music might surprise some.
Doing ultrasounds in the morning. This is an acquired skill and a wonderful opportunity to interact with our patients and educate at the same time.
Many years ago I also underwent fertility treatment, had several miscarriages and now have three grown children. I personally understand the stress and ups and downs of treatment.
As nurses, our day is basically divided in half.
In the morning we either work doing ultrasounds and IUIs (intrauterine inseminations), are in the procedure/recovery room or assist in office hours. In the afternoon, we’re busy with office hours, helping patients navigate through work up steps and treatment plans, or calling patients with results while answering questions on the phone.
Throughout the day I work with a wonderful team of other nurses, doctors, trainees, embryologists, financial counselors, admin staff, CNAs (certified nursing assistants), phlebotomists, computer tech support, residents, a social worker and managers.
My favorite part about working at Women & Infants Fertility Center is when our patients come to visit with their babies, and knowing that we are always striving to improve the process of family building.
On a daily basis, time is the biggest challenge: having enough to meet the emotional needs of our patients, knowing how stressful the entire process can be.
I think it is important for patients to know that as an RN, our day is spent in many different activities. We all strive to make the process as smooth as possible for our patients. We are great multitaskers and work as a team.
We attempt to return calls as quickly as possible. The patient may not always speak with the same person, but we are all here to help them with their goal of parenting.
We are caring people who strive to offer the type of care that we would to a family member. We are on their side.
Fertility treatment has changed greatly over the past 20+ years. My favorite story is of a couple who benefited from ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) when it was a new procedure and conceived a son who must now be 20.
The other is of how our department comes together as a family to care for and support each other, our patients, and community members.
The best advice that I like to share with patients is to find ways to channel the stress of infertility treatment. Also, to ask questions and realize that our entire team is here to help you.
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